Here's some more about us
Here at Trinity Christian Center, we believe that God has called us to be a family. Come experience the love of Christ and His amazing power though love.
Our Doctrinal Beliefs
Some things we stand on.
The Bible
The scriptures are God’s divinely inspired words and therefore are our sole authority for life.
The Trinity
There is one God who co-exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Trinity is equal in authority and nature, but they fulfill different roles.
Salvation is the free gift of God for the redemption of man from the power and penalty of sin. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, salvation is offered to all who by faith accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
The Holy Spirit
Every believer is in dwelt by the Holy Spirit at conversion. Every believer can also live a Spirit-filled and Spirit-empowered life. We believe all the gifts of the Holy Spirit are in operation in the church today, through the lives of believers.
Our Biblical Practices
Things we do to live out our faith.
Water Baptism
An important step of obedience following salvation. It is an opportunity for a Christian to publicly profess their faith in Christ.
A practice that is meant to be observed over and over throughout the life of a Christian. It is a holy time of worship when we corporately come together as one body to remember and celebrate what Christ did for us.
Committed believers tithe their income as a way of honoring God.
Core Values
We Exist To
Reach people with the love of God
Connect with other Christians in loving relationships
Grow in our faith through God's Word
Challenge ourselves to discover our gifts
Glorify Him through worship
Nope. At Trinity Christian Center, we encourage people to come as they are. Although you are welcomed to “dress up” most of us dress casually.
Every Sunday morning service, we offer age appropriate ministries for our children ages birth through 6th grade. We feel that our services are relevant to teenagers as well as adults and value our young people as a vital part of the Body of Christ. High School-aged students meet for a youth service on Sunday mornings.
Usually about an hour and a half from start to finish.